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The 5 Habits of a Tech-Ready Home
A framework to tame the tech and reclaim your family.
You can have a home where your family is prepared and protected online
Join thousands of PYE families globally who have used our proven techniques and expert guidance to tame the tech and thrive 🙌🏽
We asked 4,000 PYE followers to share their biggest tech stress
Here are a few of the responses:
“Our biggest issue is finding time controls that work!“
"I freeze up. I don't know what to say!"
“I wish there was a way to cut off streaming video in the house on all devices.“
“My biggest tech stress is for my youngest daughter. Her personality completely changes when she picks up her iPad.“
“Protecting my son from all the garbage on the internet. I have seen what pornography can do to a family.“

Get to Know Our Curriculum
The course is built from our proven Tech Ready Home Framework. These are 5 practices we've observed in homes all over the world where technology is handled with calm and confidence.
habit 1
Model the Right Behaviors
Lesson 1:
Ask Permission and Narrate It.
Lesson 2:
Do Tech Together (3 Flavors).
Lesson 3:
Make a Plan. Stick with It!
habit 2
Pursue Authentic Connection
Lesson 1:
Let's Deal with Anger and Talk About Porn.
Lesson 2:
Be Curious and Square Up!
Lesson 3:
Practice, Practice, Practice and Google Me!
habit 3
Encourage Play & Work
Lesson 1:
Give Them a Job (and Get Out of the Way!).
Lesson 2:
Play is Significant. Here's why.
habit 4
Delay Addictive Tech.
Lesson 1:
Interrupt Them Often!
Lesson 2:
Gaming and the Young Brain.
Lesson 3:
Find Your Like-Minded Tribe.
habit 5
Diligently Prevent Harm.
Lesson 1:
Wrap them in Many Layers.
Lesson 2:
Avoid the Toxic Trio.
Lesson 3:
Parent-led Device Ownership.

Bonus Modules
#phonefreeschools and Better EdTech
Rein in YouTube Masterclass
Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite Masterclass
Other Course Contributors
Transformation experiences from our parents:
Get a glimpse into what parents have to say about our on-demand course.
I was so thankful for this course that came at exactly God's timing. We have delayed tech after hearing stories of many who wish they had. Now, thanks to this course, my husband and I have been equipped and educated to own the devices in the house, place the rules in place for their use, be the examples ourselves, what protections to have on the router if need be or buying one, app dangers, location dangers and most of all, we are not alone in all of this. We were affirmed by Chris and Abby that loving and good parents care and are proactive. Ultimately, God's in charge of capturing our kids' hearts, but we can be proactive in guiding and protecting them from the evil in this world! Will definitely continue sharing with others your resources and continuing with membership to learn more!

I wanted to encourage you that the PYE course was exactly what we needed for our family. I often feel overwhelmed navigating with 4 kids. These videos give me hope, tools & strategy. They bring so much wonderful info. together all in one place making it easy to see & find what needs attention. I honestly will be forever grateful to this organization for giving me courage to persevere. I truly believe that us as parents were born for such a time as this. To raise this generation in such an age, with God by our side, fighting with us and for us, leading us. Thank you!

I feel more confident in my ability to protect my kids. This course gave me validation that it IS the right thing to do to limit tech for my kids for their safety. Just because the "world" says differently doesn't mean it's right. Even well-meaning adults sometimes don't understand the dangers of tech. It is so good to have all of these resources to educate myself and hopefully share with others who want to learn as well.

The Tech Stress Transformation course was awesome and extremely high value. It was EXACTLY what I needed to both calm my nervous system and provide me with actionable information to make important tech changes. Though I was traveling during much of it, the online format allowed me to watch the videos whenever convenient for me and made this course totally doable for busy parents. My only regret is that I didn’t have this two years ago!

I can't recommend this enough! If you feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to make your family's tech use safer, this is the course! We are on the verge of getting our daughter a phone and I feel much more knowledgeable about the steps to take to mitigate the risks that will come with the device. Chris and Abby were responsive to all my questions and went above and beyond to provide answers, support, and even additional resources to make me feel comfortable. I am confident I can put in place the things I learned!

Is screen time a problem in your home, but you don't know where to start? Try the Protect Young Eyes Tech Stress Course! You get short daily video lessons, usually only 5 minutes each, with practical advice and suggestions you can implement right away! And all within a thoughtful framework that is easy to understand and explain to your kids, and that is grounded in the neurology of the adolescent brain. Our kids are younger, so they have very limited screen time and they don't have any internet-connected devices yet, but these strategies will help our family introduce them in the right way.

15-day money back guarantee
We are so confident in this course’s quality and effectiveness to help you transform your tech stress that we confidently offer a 15-day money back guarantee. Invest yourself in this, take the quizzes, apply what you learn, share it with others, and give the Tech Stress Transformation Course a good, honest try. If you don't think our course will help you find the calm and confidence you desire, please let us know why and we will refund you.

We’re excited for you to start learning today!
Frequently Asked Questions
A letter from our CEO
Read about our team’s commitment to provide everyone on our global platform with the technology that can help them move ahead.
Featured in Childhood 2.0
Honored to join Bark and other amazing advocates in this film.
World Economic Forum Presenter
Joined a coalition of global experts to present on social media's harms.
Testified before Congress
We shared our research and experience with the US Senate Judiciary Committee.